
This program will discuss the Standards of Practice for social workers and nurse case managers as defined by the Case Management Society of America as they were updated in 2016.  We will then apply those Standards to the contemporary roles of the nurse case manager and social worker.  Finally, we will apply those roles to the everyday functions that social workers and nurses perform to complete their jobs.  Referral criteria for high risk psychosocially complex patients will be reviewed as well as how to optimize the skill sets of each discipline. This webinar will help your department in understanding the unique skill sets of the social worker versus the RN and how a true dyad team can be created.  By understanding the fundamentals of the work we do, you will be able to apply this knowledge to your practice in any setting!

Best Practices in Optimizing the Skill Sets of RN and Social Work Case Managers

Topic Background:

The role of the case manager and social worker is dynamic and constantly changing in response to the changes in health care delivery and reimbursement at the federal, state and local levels.  While change remains a constant, there are certain core roles and functions that apply to the work of the social worker and nurse case manager regardless of job setting.  In addition, case managers and social workers work within guidelines that provide us with definitions of practice, guiding principles and philosophy statements.


Session Highlights:
  • Understand the unique roles of the RN and Social Work case manager in the hospital setting.
  • Describe how each role is designed to complement the other.
  • Review the dynamic ways in which the two roles can be integrated without duplication.
  • Discuss the best practice referral criteria for engaging social workers with the most psychosocially complex patients.
  • Identify other unique roles for the social worker in the acute care setting.
Who Should Attend?
  • Directors of Case Management
  • Directors of Social Work
  • RN Case Managers
  • Social Workers
  • Directors of Quality Management
  • Vice Presidents of Nursing
  • Directors of Finance
  • Vice Presidents of Operations
Recorded $ 213.00
Transcript $ 213.00
DVD $ 223.00
Recorded + Transcript $ 323.00
DVD + Recorded $ 333.00
DVD + Transcript $ 333.00
Total $ 0.00

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