Key Points:

  • Infusion
  • Chemotherapy
  • Injections

Infusions for Therapeutic and Chemotherapy


The CPT® and HCPCS manuals are involved in reporting all services for infusions.  The documentation must include start and stop times for each drug given, as well as the method of administration. There are initial codes as well as add on codes to report each step in the treatment process and the variety of drugs that can be given concurrently or subsequently The drugs can be found in the J-code range, and also involve the National Drug Code(NDC) assigned to each FDA approved drug.  These treatments involve providers as well as clinical staff in order to facilitate these treatments.  The CPT® manual has extensive guidelines on the proper coding for infusions and it is important to understand these guidelines for proper reimbursement.  There are also other references that need to be used that define chemotherapy drugs and the medical necessity reported by diagnosis(es).


Infusions are administered for treatment of many conditions to include dehydration, rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer, just to name a few.  The coding of these treatments can involve a variety of CPT® codes because of the different methods that can be used to deliver the drugs used.  This webinar will discuss the utilization of these codes, and look at real examples of coding for common  scenarios.

Session Highlights:
  • Initial Infusions
  • Subsequent and Concurrent Infusions
  • Identifying and reporting time based on CPT® guidelines
  • HCPCS codes for drugs and the use of the drug table
  • Hydration
  • Chemotherapy Services
  • Types of Infusions
  • CMS NCCI Policy Manual Guidelines
  • Diagnosis coding for Chemotherapy
Why Should You Attend?

Hospitals, outpatient facilities, and medical offices all used these codes to report the services involved with infusions and injections.  In order to choose the appropriate codes, there are several elements that have to be documented in order to capture all of the services.  This includes the amount time in which each drug is given, and circumstances when multiple drugs are given at the same time.  Missing any of the services rendered can be lost revenue.  It is also critical that the drugs given are reported with the proper HCPCS codes and dosage.  Many of these drugs can be expensive and the profit margin it little.

Who Should Attend?

The target audience is anyone who codes and bills infusions in the hospital or medical office to Oncology, Rheumatology, or anyone administering IV Therapy or Chemotherapy, Coders, Billers, Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Auditors, Collectors, Surgery Schedulers, Medical Assistants

Recorded $ 213.00
Transcript $ 213.00
DVD $ 223.00
Recorded + Transcript $ 323.00
DVD + Recorded $ 333.00
DVD + Transcript $ 333.00
Total $ 0.00

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